AUSTIN TRANSIT PARTNERSHIPBOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGAGENDAWednesday, March 12, 2025 at 3:00 P.m. - 5:00 P.m.ATP Board Room 203 Colorado St. Austin, TX 78701 ADA Compliance Reasonable accommodations and equal access to communications are provided upon request. Please call 512-710-2100 or email [email protected] if you need more information. Board of Directors Veronica Castro de Barrera, Chair; Kirk Watson, Vice Chair; Jeffrey Travillion; Juan Garza; Kammy Horne; Jon Fortune (ex officio); Dottie Watkins (ex officio). Public Comment Public comment may be completed in person or virtual. Those wishing to contribute comments must notify ATP 24-hours before the meeting by calling 512-710-2100 or emailing [email protected]. Please provide your name, phone number and the topic you wish to discuss. On the day of the meeting, you will be contacted, added as an attendee of the board meeting, and have 3 minutes to speak. You will have only one opportunity at the beginning of the board meeting to speak on all items you intend to address. Watch Live ATP Board Meetings are streamed live from the ATP website. Executive Session The Board of Directors reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed as authorized by Texas Government Code Chapter 551, including, but not limited to: Sections 551.071 (Litigation/Consultation with Attorney), 551.072 (Deliberations regarding real property), 551.073 (Deliberations regarding gifts and donations), 551.074 (Deliberations regarding personnel matters) or 551.076 (Deliberations regarding deployment/implementation of security personnel or devices), and 551.087 (Deliberations regarding Economic Development negotiations).1.Public Comment 2.Executive Director Report 3.Action Items 3.1Action Item 1 1.Jan 29 minutes final.pdfApproval of minutes from the January 29, 2025 ATP Board Meeting.3.2Action Item 2 1.ATP-2025-007 - Procurement Policy Amendments.pdf2.Procurement Policy.pdfApproval of a resolution adopting amendments to ATP's Procurement Policy and Procedures.4.Discussion Items 4.1Presentation of the Annual Audited Financial Report. 4.2Update on Draft Environmental Impact Statement Process. 5.Action Item from the Board 5.1Action Item 3 1.ATP-2025-008 - Employment Contract .pdf2.ATP-2025-008 - Employment Contract - Exhibit 2 - v2.pdfApproval of first amendment to Executive Director employment contract and reappointment as Executive Director.6.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.ATP-2025-007 - Procurement Policy Amendments.pdf2.Procurement Policy.pdf1.Jan 29 minutes final.pdf1.ATP-2025-008 - Employment Contract .pdf2.ATP-2025-008 - Employment Contract - Exhibit 2 - v2.pdf